People who disagree with you aren't trying to make things complex. Maybe you're wrong.
I recently saw Daniel Westheide's The Complexity Trap: Think Before You Leap, and the more I think about it the more I disagree.
Explicit JSON formatters are not simpler than typeclass derivation. Nor are DTOs
Westheide advocates writing large amounts of boilerplate code to map your domain objects to and from JSON. He claims that deriving equivalent code "almost always leads to strongly coupled systems that are very difficult to evolve."
But in fact deriving code in no way limits your ability to replace that derived code with custom code in the future. Adding an explicit transformation layer when a transformation is actually needed is essential complexity; adding an explicit transformation layer that does nothing in case you need a transformation in the future is the worst kind of accidental complexity, cargo cult decoupling. It may not take a lot of effort to write, but it takes a lot of effort to read and understand, and code is read more than it's written.
And what happens when you do introduce some transformations? Say one out of ten domain objects turns out to need a different representation on the server and the client. If you've been scrapping you boilerplate, this one object will be an obvious special case: there'll be a bunch of extra code that no other domain object has, a warning that "here be dragons". If you used manual formats for every case, that special case code will be buried under mountains of almost-but-not-quite-the-same code for every other domain object. A reader will learn that domain objects don't get transformed between the server and the client even though there's a lot of code to skip over, and this will be almost true.
Functional core, imperative shell is not simpler than Free monads or tagless final
A "functional core, imperative shell" model is great if you really can implement in "rather small, pure, and effect-free functions". But often there is essential complexity in the business domain that makes that impossible. Having business requirements that interleave pure operations with effectful ones - "if the request exceeds one of our free account limits then check the user's subscription is still active in this external service" - is normal, like it or not. If your functional core computes that you need to interact with an external service and then take one of several different computed actions based on the response, you have to figure out some kind of "command object" to represent that - which will usually end up being an ad-hoc, informally-specified implementation of half of the free monad.
In fact there's no tension between using Free monads or tagless final style and the "functional core, imperative shell" model - rather, the former is a technique for achieving the latter, without having to contort your program logic to move all your effectful calls into one place. Indeed a Free monad is the very thing that Westheide was advocating in the previous section - a DTO, a value representation of the output of one part of the system that decouples one side from the other. But unlike a DTO that simply duplicates a domain model, there's a very good reason for this one to exist: it gives us a value representation of our effectful operations that lets us separate business logic from effect execution, something we simply don't have otherwise.
A conference speaker picked his best examples of "simpler" choices, and yet got them utterly wrong
Presumably, as someone preparing a conference talk, Westheide picked what he thought were the most clear-cut examples of programmers choosing a complex solution rather than a simple one. And yet in at least two out of three examples he got it backwards: his suggestions are more complex than the approaches he proposes to replace.
Should I conclude, as Westheide would, that he didn't spend enough time thinking about the problem? That he treated his code as a playground for his latest fad? That he loves writing JSON formatters and prefers to stay in his comfort zone of doing that?
Maybe. But it's more productive to at least pretend that these are matters of taste, that reasonable people can disagree, that no-one was actually trying to make the codebase worse. What if there is no "complexity trap", just disagreements about how best to design programs?
Is there any value in these talks?
Westheide said all the right things about principles. I agree with asking why particular design decisions were made. I agree with paying more attention to tradeoffs. And yet this brings us no closer to agreement on these concrete design questions. He opened with "metrics or it didn't happen", but seems to have abandoned this to talk about some definition of "complexity" that exists only in his head.
Let's stop exhorting programmers to make things simpler. It makes our debates more contentious, turning differences of taste into moral failings. And it doesn't help.